Services offered

There is rarely a service that we do not offer.

We strive to be a medical center that has a comprehensive offering.

Acute Services

Acute medical problems
eg. Colds and flues, diarrhea, infections, aches and pains
Minor Accidents
eg. Injuries, falls, small lacerations/cuts
Minor Emergencies
eg. Nebulisation

Chronic Services

We have a strong focus on
We aim to be centers of excellence in the above.

We assist with
Diagnosis and Registration of chronic conditions
eg. Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV, Asthma, Cholesterol
Monitoring of chronic conditions
eg. Taking blood samples, ECGs, urine tests

Preventative Health Care

We offer screening of healthy individuals to pick up common conditions before they get worse.

Cancer Screening

We offer tests for Cervical(PAP Smears), Breast (Mammograms), Prostate (PSA), Blood and Colon Cancer


We offer blood tests to diagnose common conditions eg. Diabetes,Thyroid and HIV
We offer screening for Kidney disease, Liver Disease, Anaemia and many others.


We offer on-site ECGs (heart), Urine tests, Lung functions, 24-hour BP monitoring, Oxygen measurements


We offer an array of surgical and non-surgical procedures


We offer Male Medical Circumcision for boys and men from 12 years and older. These are performed under local anaesthetic.


We drain abscesses.


We suture small and large wounds.


Small lesions eg. skin tags, warts, skin defects, lesions and scars can be removed surgically under local anesthetic.

Foreign Bodies

We can remove foreign bodies from skin, nostrils, ears and eyes (including from angle grinding and welding).

Family Planning

Our services include family planning (prevention) and diagnosis (pregnancy ultrasound scans).


We offer Medical Drips eg. fluid hydration, antibiotics and Wellness Drips eg. Vitamins and Glutathione


We offer Peels, Botox and Microneedling

Wound Care

Our trained wound care nurse can assist with dressings and home visits.